Sophie R

Simple assessment and the clinician put me at ease

I just had my assessment with the clinician, at first, I was very nervous and didn’t

Know what to expect, but the clinician was professional, yet friendly and really explained everything that was going to happen. The process was less stressful than I had thought. The assessment took about an hour and half and I came away very happy with my results and explanation.

Mohammed R

Assessment process explained.

My clinician was outstanding and very supportive, I knew nothing about the process and felt supported every step of the way. I’m now starting treatment and will have several appointments to monitor my progress and work on some areas of executive function – my goal at the end is to be back in employment soon, excellent service.

Pauline K

The Heavy Feeling has finally gone.

I had my assessment 2 weeks ago and I’m now on treatment. The medication journey is well supported, but better than that is the aftercare. I’m working on four areas in my life that have been such a burden. I am now really excited about the future. If you are worried about having an assessment, don’t be, it was the best thing I’ve done in a very long time.

James M

Friendly, not pushy, and so supportive

I was advised by medical professionals to get myself tested for adhd, thinking this would be a simple process, I was referred by cgl, for diagnosis as a matter of urgency, only to be informed it will take 18 months to just get an appointment for the diagnosis.

After many days of fruitless googling, looking into what it was, how could I an adult have it, and what impact it has on life. I was thoroughly disillusioned. I like many just didn't realise that all the problems we faced on a daily basis were actually due to a condition that many think is poppycock.

During my time googling, i happened upon and boy am I glad I did. From initial contact to diagnosis the experience can only be summarised as above and beyond. The online form made it simple and easy to book, the initial questionnaire was thought provoking and concise. I was able to book a zoom call and pay very easily.

I was contacted by Fiona (not the fiona, but amazing nevertheless) who helped me understand the process and provide guidance and reassurance the whole way.

The zoom call was easy, and as I had been warned it can go on for 2 hours, I had an array of distractions to allow me not to get up and wander around which I always end up doing.

The questions were really deep and introspective, but approached in such a friendly manner, i honestly could have spoken to the therapist about the darkest moments of my life. There was no judgement, no pushy tactics. At all times I felt comfy and safe. But the questions really really really make you think. Pretty sure I broke my brain for the night.

But the therapist helped me understand that there was nothing wrong with me, it was just that I processed information and emotions different to others and what I thought was high stress and normal for everyone, was actually my condition causing me to suffer and over think constantly.

I'm yet to start the suggested therapy, but the ongoing support, with one on one help, has been amazing and together we have come up with not just the need for medication to help but also a course in cognitive behavioural therapy to help teach me certain skills and coping mechanisms that will I'm sure make a huge difference in my life even without medication.

I personally think that the ongoing care is even more beneficial for me than the medication. And I feel very valued and relaxed with the fiona project. I really can't recommend it enough. And I advise anyone, no everyone to at least go through the questionnaire to see if it hits home. For me, it was the most revealing test ever and has already helped me get better